Nonetheless, pharmacologic doses of nicotinic acid have been shown to be well tolerated in HIV patients with hyperlipidemia (108). Abnormal lipid profiles observed in patients have been attributed to the HIV infection and to the highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) (109). Moreover, insulin resistance has been detected together with dyslipidemia in ART-treated patients (110). Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the second most frequent cause of deaths in the HIV population, and the rate of CVD is predicted to increase further as patients are living longer due to successful antiretroviral therapies. As for the general population, statin-based therapy appears to benefit HIV patients in terms of atherogenic protection and CVD risk reduction, although contraindications exist due to drug interactions with ART. Other first-line treatments include lipid-lowering fibrates, which are preferred to nicotinic acid due to the increased risk of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance (111). Nevertheless, an unblinded, controlled pilot study showed that extended-release nicotinic acid (0.5-1.5 g/day for 12 weeks) could effectively improve endothelial function of the brachial artery in ART-treated HIV subjects with low HDL-cholesterol and no history of CVD (112). In addition, a combined treatment of fibrates, extended-release nicotinic acid (0.5-2 g/day), and lifestyle changes (low-fat diet and exercise) for 24 weeks was effective in normalizing lipid parameters in a cohort of 191 ART-treated patients. Increased risk of liver dysfunction was detected in subjects receiving both fibrates and niacin, but insulin sensitivity was not affected by nicotinic acid treatment given alone or when combined with fibrates (113). Another 24-week, open-label, uncontrolled trial in 99 ART-treated patients found that randomization to extended-release nicotinic acid (0.5-2 g/day) or fenofibrates increased blood HDL-cholesterol but did not reduce inflammatory markers or improve endothelial function when compared to baseline (114).
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